Monday, 22 October 2007

tricky spots from monday

i've hid the results of these hands but you can look them up when you're done. Feel free to comment/critique how I played them

disko pushes in 3 way pot with open ender and pair
JJ overpair in 3 bet pot
getting it in with QQ preflop against 2 opponents


ZeroGuilt said...

Hi Dave,
I came up with a situation not long ago in a game of HU. WE were tradin pots all game when this interestin hand came up where I got stacked. My question to you is this. Is there EVER a good time to call an all in with King High in the flop?

disko poker said...

no but i think king high on the turn is fine against an over agro donk if you have a good read that he is splashin it about :-P