Tuesday, 13 November 2007

17k hands check

this is my graph for my last 17k hands. (if you click on it it should come up bigger) i run at 3.84ptbb/100, decent but not brilliant. which i guess it's not bad - considering i ran like dirt for a large part of it and at times felt like throwing my laptop against the wall. as you can see i start off on a total heater and then take a massive downswing at about 7k to 9k. there were days i just couldnt win no matter how i played. i do feel like i have got over it now, i had a lovely session today where i played well i think and won 4 buy ins.

i guess i am happy enough to be winning over that many hands. there were a few tilt sessions in there as well where i lost 3 or 4 buy ins in one session. there is a really obvious one at 16k when i just tilt of $150 in 5 minutes. it's always easy to regret that afterwards and think, 'well, if i hadnt done that then my win rate would be so much higher...' but they all count. tilt is less of a problem than it used to be for me but it still raises its ugly head every now and again.

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